








・who bombed hiroshima? Asia doesn't need America



・They shouldn’t have attacked us and we wouldn’t have smashed them, stop ignoring the truth. They started WW2 before the nazis



・Japan is a laughing stock and a vassal state of the US. Where's her dignity? Unlike Indians and Vietnamese who dedicated their lives and efforts to drive out their conquerors, Japan prostrated after beaten twice by the US. Shame on her!



・WWII aggressor and it's nuclear destroyer who combined have invaded, bombed, destroyed and killed more people in their collective history than anyone else says China is a threat to world peace. It's so ridiculous and yet it's a triumph of western propaganda.



・did Biden apologize to Japan for dropping atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 and killing 80,000 people? wonder who have chosen Hiroshima for G7 meeting and WHY?



・Why Japan let a leader of a country which bombed Hiroshima to stand there? And why they smile at this place?



・During World War II, Japan committed massacres, exploitation, conscription, and human experimentation on Asian countries. Some Japanese officers tied up civilians and held beheading contests. There are strange people who say that the United States should apologize for ending such acts with the atomic bomb. Japan just reaped what it sowed. If the US has to apologize, it should apologize for not dropping a more powerful and deadly bomb on Japan.



・This is why Japan, which was able to advocate an empire by opening up and growing by the US at the time because of purely geographical factors 100 years ago, is actually much more vicious than Nazi Germany. It is also why their vested interests, Japan's ruling party and its supporters, who are now pursuing a long-standing right-leaning policy, have no real remorse for other Asian countries in the past, and are still looking for revenge on the US.



Japan's current stance against the US = The US and Biden administrations are already late, but even now, sincerely apologize for dropping two atomic bombs on Japan at the end of the Pacific War and acknowledge the fact beautifully! Also current stance against their neighboring countries = Korea and Taiwan etc. should not be trapped in the past in the early and mid-20th century and should forget the historical facts of the time and become partners to ensure a better future. We also steadly paid small financial compensation to you and sent you a lot of apologies




・What on earth is wrong with Japanese people I’m lost for words. Really the us literally try’s to wipe y’all of the map and you host them at the sight of mass murder by their hands. I can’t…. Wow Stockholm syndrome … wtf



