

【海外の反応】米津玄師_海の幽霊(アニメ映画 海獣の子供主題歌)「声が海を運んでくる」「見るたびに泣いてしまう」


米津玄師 MV「海の幽霊」Spirits of the Sea


2019年5月27日にYouTubeで公開されたMV。五十嵐大介さん原作の映画「海獣の子供」の主題歌として制作されました。米津さんは原作のファンで、映像化の話を聞いてご自身から制作陣に主題歌のオファーをしたそうです。海外の方も注目している美しいMV は全て映画の本編映像を使用したものです。この歌はたった一日で 5万件以上もダウンロードされ、音楽配信サービスのチャートで軒並み1位を記録しました。

・His voice is so soulful I feel like breaking down in tears. His voice carries the impact and depth of the sea itself. I'm seriously amazed by Kenshi's ability to convey such feelings through his music.



 ・This is... SUCH an incredible video Absolutely stunning- captivating in every way- the music and the video itself... I’m speechless. This was absolutely brilliant.



・Because of this song, I sat stunned all the way through the end credits and that’s how I discovered the after-credits scene. Stunning film, beautiful soundtrack.



・Don’t understand the Language but still touches my heart................



・this song makes me live the moment



・the beauty of this song is just.. stunning. its just a masterpiece. the sheer power of this song is astronomical. i love just turning it up on max volume and letting myself drift in it. it gives me goosebumps every time i hear it. to me, it reads like the bygone days of summer, hinted at by the lyrics which mention memories of a summer long gone. its so beautiful, and heavy. god i love this song.



・This song is beautiful indeed.



・This song gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. The movie was stellar in terms of the animation quality. The plot was a little convoluted and disappointing up towards the end, but it still was a wonderful watch. 👌🥺



・Just hearing his song makes my heart heavy I don't know why I want to cry even though I don't understand lyrics. This guy is amazing. And this movie have great animation.



・the transitions are perfect. his voice is perfect, the scenery, it's so strong. it's just perfect. gives me goosebumps



・I can feel his emotions thru his songs. Truly remarkable. ❤



・Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I recommend this anime to anyone who hasn't watched it yet. It's called "Children of the Sea", and you can find it on Netflix!



・Still can't get over this song Such a masterpiece










  • 発売日: 2019/10/01
  • メディア: MP3 ダウンロード