・This opening gives a classy vibe for the time period that this anime in. I like how it transitions from Ayna's perspective through her drawings, to the parents perspective.
・Holy sh*t, i didn’t quite know what kind of Opening Spy x Family would have, but i most definitely didn’t expect this, this took me by surprise.Also, i find it quite interesting how this Opening had mostly a focus on Anya (especially with this being the first Opening), which almost makes it seem like she is the Main Protagonist of the Series, at least in my point of view.
・When I first heard the opening I thought it the singer sounded familiar and guessed it was official hige dandism and saw that it was them! I've been a big fan since almost the beginning I'm happy to see them playing for shows and their songs still slap!
・I love the art style that they went with. So good.
・Great concept, especially parts 0:10 to 0:50 symbolize disguise as family
・There really is something about Japanese music and jazz.
・The bass and drums are the star of the OP and the guitar and beat are the star of the ED.
・I literally can’t stop watching the opening over and over again
・I love the difference between op and Ed that it’s bright future type message sense from op and calm and beautiful but little sad that it’s not real family that they may be separated someday and how precious thing that all of family member is together and having a peaceful life. I love both of them so much!!
・Going for the Jazz type of style is perfect for a show about spies
・people who dislike this song do not understand what Rock and Jazz true sensationsince western is not popular with rock again, i only listen japan rock now they have much color and genre with music instrument ..... the more noice innstrument play, the better the song.....
・the song lyrics also matches the show really well
・The thing that always interest me about Japanese music is their basslines. So creative
・I was surprised by how much I love this anime. I'd argue it's the best of 2022.
・1:15 my favorite part in the op. I can't explain it and I'm not gonna try.
・Both op and endings are good, but op 2 is my favorite personally. Such a great vibe and great lyrics OPとエンディングの両方がいいね。でもOP2が個人的にはお気に入り。なんて素晴らしい雰囲気に素晴らしい歌詞。