

【海外の反応】千と千尋の神隠しの世界 四万温泉「橋を渡る時息を止めちゃっちゃよ」「キャラクターが目に浮かぶ」「実写映画見てるみたい」

【千と千尋の神隠し】四万温泉の散策 : The stage of Spirited Away(Gunma, Japan)

Anna Film Productionさんによる群馬県 四万温泉の紹介動画。

四万の病を癒すと言われる温泉で、開湯は坂上田村麻呂とも頼光四天王の一人、碓井貞光とも伝えられています。戦国時代 永禄6年に湯宿が設けられました。ジブリ映画「千と千尋の神隠し」のモデルであると言われている積善館もこの場所にあります。積善館は元禄4年開業の日本最古の温泉宿建築です。




 ・impress by this scenery where inspired 千与千寻 background, I should go this place one day in future



Great shot at 12:04, the red is contrasting so well with the dull colours, it brings some light to the picture.






I'm studying Japanese and I tried to understand that sign at 6:50. If I got it right it's in Hiragana and read TA BA KO. Is it like tobacco in English? If it is, should it be written in Katakana instead of Hiragana since it's a foreign word? Thanks to enlighten my ignorance.



・I can imagine the scenes from the movie in my head from this



・beautiful rainy night scene❤️ so clear



・Wasn't Dogo onsen the inspiration for Spirited Away?



・I went to Japan last year and fell deeply in love with this country. I was so excited for the Olympics but then the pandemic happened. I can’t wait to visit back again.



・ngl, as magical and beautiful this place may seem, at the same time it is really kinda creepy. imagining all the spirits hanging out in this bathhouse in real life.



・I was so amazed how did the Japanese take care of its forest.



・It seems that he is taking a walk in the past.



・We can see the old Onsen hotel and other areas of the town through it's many years. But it also seems that it is frozen in about 1982. Old games, wall paper, paint shows that the economy slowed and with that the money slowed for that town. So no money for updates to the interiors of public the areas. I like that. I like the old games, furniture and paint. Like a grand old lady who was very beautiful once but remains shy and quiet in her faded beauty.

古い旅館や街の他の場所など何年も経った場所を見ることができる。でもそれは1982年ごろで固まってるようにも見える。古いゲーム、壁紙、塗装が経済の減速に伴い、この街の財政が減速していった事を示している。だから公共エリアの内部を更新するだけのお金がなかったんだ。古いゲームや家具や塗装が好きだよ。かつてはとても美しかったが、色褪せても美しくシャイで静かなおばあちゃんのようだ 。